- ask for trouble自找麻烦;没事找事;撩蜂剔蝎;自招麻烦;
- all purpose room多用途房;
- all purpose insulation万能绝缘材料;
- a fine day for young ducksn.雨天;
- blame someone for something为某事责怪某人
- beg for mercy乞求宽大,讨饶,乞怜;乞哀告怜;
- be eager for something渴望某事
- claim for damages要求赔偿损失;
- For Use Only in Case of Fire仅供火灾时使用
- for the most part多半,就绝大部分而言;大多;大半;
- for the moment暂时,目前;聊且;
- for the long haul为了长远的利益
- for the first time初次,第一次;
- for the bestadv.出于好意;有好结果;
- for that matter就此而言;同样;而且;
- for size试尺寸,看是否合适,按不同尺码;
- for life终生,终身;
- for convenience为了方便起见;
- For a time短时间内,暂且;一度;
- for a changeadv.为改变;
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